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Our Global Campaigns Team

Image by Aiden Craver

Who are we?

The Global Campaigns Team plays a crucial role in amplifying ReportOUT’s impactful projects across both national and international avenues and forums, such as the UN and the EU. Through strategic campaigning and collaborative efforts, we are dedicated to advancing ReportOUT’s overarching mission defend the human rights of individuals with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, expressions, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC).


By participating in arenas such as the UN and the EU, we can raise awareness, contribute to crucial discussions, and advocate for meaningful change on a global scale.

What do we do? Find out more, below.


Research dissemination

Our team ensures that ReportOUT's research reaches key international bodies and stakeholders. We compile and disseminate our findings in accessible and impactful formats, tailored to resonate with global audiences be it through UN statements or through our report launch strategies. By making our research widely available, we aim to inform and inspire action towards greater equity and justice.



International engagement 

We actively participate in calls for research and information made by institutions such as the UN. Our team members are dedicated to bringing ReportOUT's research to these platforms, using it to highlight human rights issues, to ensure that no one gets left behind. Through these engagements, we strive to impact global discourses and ensure that the needs of sexual and gender minorities are addressed at the highest levels.



ReportOUT is proud to be a member of several key networks and organisations, including ILGA World, The Commonwealth Equality Network (TCEN), UK Alliance for Global Equality (UKAGE), and the Equal Rights Coalition (ERC). These memberships allow us to collaborate with like-minded organisations, share knowledge, and strengthen our advocacy efforts. By being part of these alliances, we ensure that our voice - and the voices of those we represent - are heard in crucial international conversations.

A success story

An example of a successful campaign was in 2023, during the High-level Political Forum in New York. In collaboration with local activists, the Global Campaigns Team supported the drafting of the Civil Society statement for Mongolia’s Voluntary National Review.


The statement was read out by the Director of the LGBT Centre in Mongolia, Enkhmaa Enkhbold with whom we collaborated to publish our OUT in Mongolia research. Watch the statement in our video.

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