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Our Research Projects


What is CallOUT?

ReportOUT research, monitor and document abuses against sexual and gender minorities in every nation state. Our Human Rights Researchers are involved in a number of research projects exploring nation states or thematic issues.


Are you an organisation or activist in a nation state or region who would like to form a partnership with us to undertake research? If so, please read our New Partner Pack for details of our approach to partnership.  


After reading it, and if you think ReportOUT is the right partner for you, please complete our prospective Partnership Proposal form and we will be in touch to discuss the potential for partnership working. Please note all partnerships are subject to availability of our team and fit with ReportOUT's strategic goals.

For more details, go to our Propose a Research Partnership page. 

Explore some of our past and

upcoming work below



OUT in Ethiopia

Sexual and gender minorities in Ethiopia face legal, cultural and social challenges not experienced by other groups within the country. Our ‘OUT in Ethiopia’ report, produced with Ethiopian LGBTQ+ advocacy organisation House of Guramayle, examines the lived experiences of sexual and gender minorities in the east African country and lifts a lid on worrying human rights violations and persecution.


OUT in Uganda

Documenting the lived experiences of sexual and gender minorities in Uganda, our ‘OUT in Uganda’ research worked with seven partner organisations in Uganda to map out their human rights and development needs. We unearthed some worrying findings and have made some recommendations.


OUT in Zimbabwe

Sexual and gender minorities in Zimbabwe face legal, cultural and social challenges not experienced by other groups within Zimbabwe. Our ‘OUT in Zimbabwe’ research examines the lived experiences of sexual and gender minorities in Zimbabwe. We unearthed some intriguing findings and have made some important recommendations.

OUT in Morocco

Sexual and gender minorities in Morocco face legal, cultural and social challenges not experienced by other groups within Morocco. Our ‘OUT in Morocco’ research examined the lived experiences of sexual and gender minorities and worked in partnership with other organisations in Morocco to do this. You can read our research findings here.


OUT in Mongolia

Whilst there have been improvements in recent years legally, sexual and gender minorities do not fully experience the same human rights as others in Mongolia.


Our ‘OUT in Mongolia’ research project worked in partnership with the LGBT Centre in Mongolia to document the lived experiences of sexual and gender minorities in Mongolia. We found some concerning findings. You can read more about it, below.


OUT in Belize

Whilst there have been improvements in recent years with the decriminalisation of same-sex activity in 2016, sexual and gender minorities do not fully experience the same human rights as others do in Belize.


Our ‘OUT in Belize’ research project is now working in partnership with Our Circle and other partner organisations, to document the lived experiences of sexual and gender minorities in Belize. You can read about the development of this research here.

Image by Norbu GYACHUNG

Global Conversion Therapy Research

ReportOUT is proud to launch its global survey on conversion therapy.  This survey will explore the impact conversion therapy has had on members of the LGBTQ+ community within individual countries and ongoing social attitudes towards the practice.


You can read about the development of this research here.

Image by Bernd 📷 Dittrich

OUR United Nations Research

At ReportOUT, we regularly submit research to the United Nations, to ensure that the voices of sexual and gender minorities are heard and amplified at a global level. 

You can read about some of our submissions to different departments of the United Nations, by clicking below.

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