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Reflecting on 5 years at ReportOUT

As we celebrate 5 years of ReportOUT, we spoke with three of the volunteers who have been here right from the very beginning!


Introducing… Sonya, Caitlin and Thushara. 

So, let’s go back to the very start. Why ReportOUT? What inspired you to volunteer?

Sonya McChristie, IT Officer

Sonya: I knew Drew from before ReportOUT, first meeting when he was running the LGBT History Project NE, and at the University of Sunderland where we worked together on an online AIDS awareness training module. I was always amazed and inspired by his passion, and when a mutual friend described ReportOUT as ‘Drew’s life work’ when it was in the early planning stages, I knew that I wanted to support and help him realise this. 


Caitlin: Drew was my Sociology Lecturer at the University of Sunderland and during my second year, I was required to undertake a placement with a research component. When selecting my placement, Drew shared his visions for establishing an LGBTQIA+ human rights organisation that was in its early planning stages. At that point in my studies, I developed a strong passion for studying gender and sexuality. Drew's enthusiasm and work in this area inspired and amazed me, leading me to see this placement as an excellent opportunity. After conducting research on Egypt and Saudi Arabia and learning about the experiences of LGBTQIA+ individuals in those countries through interviews, I wanted to learn more and gain a deeper understanding of LGBTQIA+ lives in other nations. I wanted to continue this work and support ReportOUT's vision. 


Thushara: I first met Drew when I interviewed him for a radio show about his work within the LGBTQ sector. A few days later, I saw a LinkedIn post saying that he would be setting up a new human rights research organisation in the North East. Within a matter of a few minutes (literally haha) I responded to his post saying I was interested especially as my background and interests were in global human rights. I was just very excited and intrigued to hear about fresh opportunities in this sector, but also outside of London, seeing ReportOUT as a great opportunity to gain some valuable experience.  

Caitlin Martin - Global Campaigns Officer

Can you share a moment or project you are really proud of? 

Sonya: When ReportOUT began we made do with a dozen or so shared email addresses in a Google community account. As we grew and became more professional, Drew tasked me with setting up and migrating the organisation over to Microsoft Office 365, an absolutely daunting task which required me to learn a great deal about Office 365 administration in order to set up individual accounts for everyone. This has enabled all of our volunteers to have personalised email accounts, Teams accounts, and access to the full range of Office products online. 


Caitlin: Last year (2023) was the Global Campaign Team's first interaction with United Nations reporting mechanisms. Members of our team co-wrote a statement with Mongolia's research partners and the statement was read out during Mongolia's national review of their progress on the Sustainable Development Goals at the United Nation's Higher-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York!


Thushara: One of the moments was my involvement in the Flag In The Map project in conjunction with the Gilbert Baker Foundation, because it allowed me to try out so many different skills which I didn't know I had. With the help of my Comms team (especially Rebecca) we arranged the creation of the official Flag In The Map video (with the help of Editors For Impact), helped with the official launch event in London and even had my own written piece included as part of the exhibition. A very proud moment for sure!  

Thushara Chandrasiri - Lead Communications Officer // Global Campaigns Officer

How has your perspective on volunteering changed over the years? How do you keep motivated? 

Sonya: Motivation is easy - I’m angry! LGBT+ people are under attack all over the world, and hard won rights are in danger of being lost. As a queer person based in the UK, the attacks on the trans community by our own government over the past decade are terrifying. 


Thushara: I have had the pleasure of working in multiple areas during the 5 years I have been at ReportOUT starting off as a Human Rights Researcher before moving over to Comms and then also dipping into the Sustainable Development Goals side of things. Volunteering at ReportOUT is a different experience to any other organisation I have volunteered at because it is a lot more fast paced and requires a proactive positive can-do attitude. I stay motivated thanks to good support of the team around me and also taking each opportunity to learn something new.  

How has ReportOUT impacted your personal/professional life? 

Sonya: I’ve met lots of new and interesting people from volunteering with ReportOUT, and professionally I’ve developed new skills and experience. 


Caitlin: I've had the pleasure of meeting some amazing like-minded and passionate people through volunteering at ReportOUT. Volunteering at ReportOUT has given me a space to develop my skills and grow as an individual. It's provided opportunities and professional routes I probably would have never considered 5 years ago and has given me the confidence to go forward with a career in the charity sector. 


Thushara: It has definitely boosted my confidence massively. It has felt so good to be part of different projects where I have felt for once I making my own positive impact. It may be a volunteer role, but this did not stop me embracing what was in front of me, getting stuck in, putting my names forward for absolutely every single project and even having the confidence to lead a team of volunteers.  

What’s your favourite or funniest ReportOUT memory? 

Sonya: I believe it was when the three year annual review was published and Drew sent out printed copies to everyone, and I was amazed to have a physical artefact in my hands which showed all of our work and impact across the world. It made me feel incredibly proud. 


Thushara: There are so many stand out moments about my time at ReportOUT. Funny moments are probably whenever we have the team meetings and Sonya gives the IT Update - ‘nothing is broken’ cracks me up every time! Fave moment would be being sent the Long Service Award.  

Looking back at your time at ReportOUT, what’s the most significant lesson you’ve learned? 

Sonya: It isn’t only that our rights to life, love and happiness have to be fought for, but that we have to continuously fight to keep what we have won; nothing is safe. 


Thushara: We are all in this together, the work of ReportOUT is bigger than any one person or one team, the work we all do matters and we are connected like one big family.  

What are your hopes for the future of ReportOUT? 

Sonya: I’m looking forward to the time, and I believe it will come, when ReportOUT’s advocacy and campaigning is cited as a reason for a legislative change being made somewhere. 


Thushara: I hope to see more growth and achievement to come, especially as teams such as the Global Campaigns Team (led by the wonderful Ilia) really open up the way to take the impact of ReportOUT to new heights.  

Left to Right - Drew Dalton (Chair of Trustees), Thushara, Caitlin

What advice would you give to our newest volunteers, or someone considering volunteering at ReportOUT?  

Sonya: Don’t underestimate how resilient you will need to be. There is a great deal of emotional labour involved in researching LGBT+ rights in many parts of the world, and alas even in the UK these days. And I say this as someone whose role means that I’m a step removed from the really hard graft of our human rights researchers. 


Thushara: Have fun, embrace the opportunity and give yourself the permission to open up new avenues to reach your full potential.  

If you could have any superpower to further LGBT+ rights, what would it be? 

Sonya: Oh, absolutely the ability to pop heads like Victoria Neuman in The Boys. Of course I would only use my powers on the worst homophobes and transphobes. Promise! You can trust me. 


Thushara: I think my super power has always been my sass haha, so if I was using it in the LGBT+ rights world it would be used as a way to bring further positive change so that those who try to threaten those rights are no match for the KAPOW of Sass haha!  

Describe ReportOUT in one word. 

Sonya: Inspiring  

Caitlin: Remarkable 

Thushara: Family 

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